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These photos were contributed by Marty Gold
to email Marty directly click here
1535 Undercliff Ave
1535 Undercliff Ave

This is the front of 1535 Undercliff Ave. There was a
canopy that went out to the sidewalk and a doorman
opened the wrought iron and glass dors. The doors
have been replaced by a black security door. I lived
there from birth to 4 years old when we moved down the
street to 1630. Dan Liebman grew up there.
1630 Undercliff Ave
1630 Undercliff Ave
This is the front of 1630 Undercliff Ave.
I lived there till I was 18. Michelle (Bronx Gal) lived there too.
Marty & Inez
175th Street Steps

My sister Inez and me in front of the 175th
Street steps where we used to play.
1571 Undercliff Ave
1571 Undercliff Ave

Gone is the canopy and the doorman.
Macombs JHS 82
Macombs JHS 82

The front steps of Macombs JHS 82 where all our class
pictures were taken. That's my sister, Inez Dubner (Gold)
sitting on the steps.
Macombs JHS 82
Macombs JHS 82

The front of Macombs JHS 82 AKA. (Who was Alexander?)
University Ave at Tremont
University Ave at Tremont

The benches on the island are gone and the stores are
different but other than that, everything's pretty much
the same.
174th at Macombs
174th Street at Macombs Road

175th and University
175th Street and University Ave

The discount Party shop was Supreme Pharmacy. The last
time I was there (early 80's), the building and the store
were completely burned out.
Hebrew Institute
Hebrew Institute of University Heights (sad)

University Ave
University Ave, looking towards 175th Street

175th and Andrews
175th Street and Andrews

Barry Lawson's neighborhood.
Notice the newer town houses on 175th Street.
Univ & Popham
Another shot of the townhouses on 175th St
between University and Popham.

Univ & Featherbed
University Ave and Featherbed Lane

Park Plaza
The Park Plaza Theatre

It's now a Rite-Aid.

Thanks Marty for your photos!

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